Pastors Desk Details

08 Dec


Good morning brethren, I would like to write on the topic “Anointing, its Purpose and its potency. What is anointing? Anointing can be defined as the outflow of the Holy Spirit through a sanctified vessel, it is grace enabled to do what ordinarily we could not have been able to do or accomplish (Acts 4: 5-20). Someone wrote this about anointing “God on flesh doing those things that flesh cannot do.” In other words, it’s God doing through people like you and me what we couldn’t do on our own (2 Corinthians 4:7). Some say anointing is the manifested presence of God, adding that it is a reminder that God is still with us, even in difficult times. In the believer's life anointing helps advertise him or her for God’s glory (Acts 10:38), anointing will help produce a life of results (John 14: 12) and of course, anointing will help break every yoke (Isaiah 10:27).

Anointing transforms the believer’s life (I Samuel 1 0:6). According to the scripture in Luke 4:18-19, anointing will empower a believer to become effective witnesses for God, enable them share the Good News about Jesus Christ and to proclaim freedom for the prisoners. Bring recovery of sight for the blind, releases the oppressed, and proclaim the Lord’s favour and grace. Anointing makes a believer a benefactor, doing good to those in need, helps break every demonic yoke in the lives of those in bondage. In addition, anointing can heal the body and raise the dead,  it can bring peace, joy, power, authority, ability, provision, and breakthrough, it can provide a satisfaction that nothing else can. We see examples with Samson when he was filled with the Holy Spirit (anointing), victory was sure (Judges 14:19), David fought and won all his battles because of the power of anointing (I Samuel 16:3), our Lord Jesus Christ, was always victorious because of the anointing. For example, He conquered the work of Satan (I John 3:8), He had victory over the host of hell (Mark. 1:24), He calmed the sea and storm (Matthew 8:27), Jesus conquered death (Luke 7:14).

As believers, we can be more than conquerors through the anointing (Rev. 5:5; Eph. 5:8). In conclusion, scripture associates anointing oil with healing and prayer, we read in Mark 6:13 “they cast out many demons and healed many sick people, anointing them with olive oil.” This was the result of when Jesus sent out the disciples to preach the gospel. James 5:14 tells the believers to “call the elders of the church to pray over them” when they are sick “and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord” for healing. The Lord will increase your anointing capacity in Jesus name. Today is special Thanksgiving service and is for 10.30am and workers' meeting is for 10am.

God’s blessings - Mike